Terms and conditions

Food from Vejmrda

Pizza Express CZ Ltd.-Czech Republic branch, organizační složka,
Bořivojova 878/35, 13000 Praha 3, ID: 02330946

General Terms and Conditions
for the Company:

Pizza Express CZ Ttd.-Czech Republic branch, organizační složka, ID No.: 02330946

I. Definition of terms

For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

Pizza Express CZ Ltd.-Czech Republic branch, organizational unit, with registered office at Bořivojova 878/35, Prague 3, e-mail: info@vejmrda.cz, tel: +420 602 113 306 (hereinafter referred to as “Operator”)

The Meal from Vejmrda concept is a regular daily catering concept, which includes the preparation and delivery of daily meals according to the number of daily/weekly/monthly cycles selected and ordered by the client to the place designated by the client or to a collection point. (“Meals from Vejmrda”)

The food in each daily set shall be neatly arranged, labelled, packaged, and so delivered to the client at the place designated by the client or at the collection point.

The Client is the person ordering the Meals from Vejmrda on the web portal www.zvejmrdy.cz, as a person interested in the offered services consisting of regular meals. The Client undertakes to pay the Operator the agreed remuneration for these services (hereinafter referred to as “Client”).

II. Order

An order for a Meal from Vejmrda can be made as follows:

1, on the telephone number +420 602 113 306, when the conclusion of the purchase contract occurs by confirmation of the order by the Operator during the call.

2, via the on-line form located on the website www.zvejmrdy.cz, where the conclusion of the purchase contract will be made by telephone confirmation of the order by the Operator.

3, via e-mail to the e-mail address indicated on the website www.zvejmrdy.cz (info@vejmrda.cz), where the conclusion of the purchase contract is made by the Operator confirming the order by e-mail, telephone or delivery of the Meals from Vejmrda .

4, The order for Meals from Vejmrda must be placed at least 24 hours before the day on which the Meals from Vejmrda are to be delivered. A shorter ordering period may be a reason for not placing the order. Each order placed is a binding proposal for the conclusion of a purchase contract.

5, If the client suffers from a food allergy, he/she is obliged to follow the labelling of the Meals from Vejmrda with allergens and to choose only the food that meets his/her dietary requirements.

III. Change/cancellation of order

1, The Client is obliged to notify the Operator of any changes to the order, such as in particular cancellation of the order for a Meal from Vejmrdy, at least 3 working days before the date on which the Meal from Vejmrdy is to be delivered. Changes of which the Client informs the Operator within a shorter period than specified in the previous sentence will not be accepted by the Operator, the Meal from Vejmrdy will be duly delivered to the Client and the Client is obliged to pay the Operator the full price.

2, If the Client changes/cancels the order during working hours, i.e. Mon-Fri from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the telephone number +420 602 113 306, but no later than 3 full working days before the delivery date (however, the delivery date itself is not counted, i.e. the delivery date minus 3 full working days), the Operator will make the change/cancellation of the changed/cancelled order.

IV. Delivery

1, The Operator undertakes to produce the Vejmrda Meal according to the Client’s order, to deliver the Vejmrda Meal to the Client at the place designated by the Client and to deliver it to the Client in the manner specified in paragraph 2 of this Article.

2, The driver delivering the Vejmrda Meal shall hand over the food to the Client, a person designated by the Client or another person present at the place designated by the Client as the place of delivery of the Vejmrda Meal. The moment the Meal from Vejmrda is handed over to the Client, the risk of damage to the Meal passes to the Client.

3, The Vejmrdy Meal is delivered in a chilled state. The food must be kept refrigerated until it is consumed. The Operator shall not be liable for the quality of the Vejmrdy Food if, after its delivery to the Client, the storage conditions are violated.

4, Food from Vejmrdy must be consumed by the date indicated on the label. Once opened, it must be consumed immediately.

5, Food from Vejmrdy will be delivered to the designated location within the time range of 8 to 12 hours. The client is aware that in exceptional cases the delivery time may change, taking into account the traffic situation and other similar events. The client will be informed of this change by telephone.

6, In case the Client needs to change the agreed time of delivery to the place specified by the Client, the Client is entitled to make this change via email or by calling +420 602 113 306 by 3 pm on the day preceding the day of the delivery of the meals.

V. Price of Meals from Vejmrda and payment terms.

1, The Client undertakes to accept the ordered Meal from Vejmrda from the Operator at the place designated by him/her and to pay the Operator the Purchase Price for this Meal in due and timely manner.

2, The Client shall pay the Purchase Price to the Operator in cash or by credit card upon delivery of the Meal from Vejmrdy, or by cashless payment gateway on the e-shop www.zvejmrdy.cz, or by invoice with due date within 7 days from the date of invoice. The Operator is entitled to issue an invoice to the Client on the day the Client orders the Meal from Vejmrda and send the invoice to the Client by email.

3, The Purchase Price shall be deemed to be paid at the moment of crediting it to the Operator’s bank account.

4, In case of delay in payment of the invoice of the Purchase Price, the Operator may require the Client to pay interest on the delay.

5, In case of delay in payment of the Purchase Price, the Operator may refuse delivery of the Meals from Vejmrda until full payment of the Purchase Price for previous deliveries of Meals from Vejmrda.

VI. Final Arrangements

1, All terms and conditions not expressly provided for in the Contract shall be governed by the generally binding legislation of the Czech Republic, in particular the provisions of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended.

2, These binding terms and conditions are valid and effective from the date of their publication on the Operator’s website. The Operator will inform the Clients in advance of any changes or additions to these binding contractual conditions. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is subsequently found to be invalid or ineffective, this shall not invalidate the Terms and Conditions as a whole. The Operator undertakes to replace such invalid or ineffective arrangement with another arrangement and to inform the Client of this change. If the Client does not agree to the change within 30 days from the date of notification, the Client shall be deemed to have accepted the change in the terms and conditions.

3, The Client’s acceptance of these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be a binding agreement between the Client and the Operator and the Client shall have no objection to the contents of the Agreement and the Terms and Conditions.

Pizza Express CZ Ltd.-Czech Republic branch, organizační složka, Bořivojova 878/35, 13000 Prague 3, ID: 02330946

General Terms and Conditions for the Company:

Pizza Express CZ Ttd.-Czech Republic branch, organizační složka, ID No.: 02330946


The Complaints Procedure specifies the procedure of the client and the supplier – Pizza Express CZ Ltd.-Czech Republic branch, organizational unit, ID No.: 02330946

(hereinafter referred to as the Supplier), in the event that, despite the Supplier’s best efforts to maintain the high quality of the goods offered, a legitimate reason arises on the part of the Client to claim liability for defects in the goods supplied.

II. Prevention

Before bindingly selecting the offered goods, including their delivery, the Client shall take into account the expediency of the goods ordered by him, the amount of the price and shall become familiar with the binding contractual terms and conditions of the Supplier.

Throughout the period of use of the goods supplied, the Client must pay sufficient attention to the basic rules for the use of these goods, published on the Supplier’s website www.zvejmrdy.cz. In particular, it is necessary to consider all factors adversely affecting the durability of the goods, such as storage and heating, use of the goods for an inappropriate purpose, etc.

III. Basic conditions for claiming goods

If a defect occurs in the delivered goods within the warranty period, the client has the right to claim this defect. A defect in the delivered goods means a change in the characteristics of the goods caused by the use of unsuitable or poor quality raw materials from which the goods are made, the packaging material of the goods, the expiry date (minimum shelf life) of the goods on the date of delivery to the client. A change in the characteristics of the goods which has occurred during the warranty period as a result of improper use, inadequate or improper storage or heating, partial or complete consumption, natural changes in the raw materials from which the goods are made, any deterioration by the client or a third party or any other improper intervention shall not be considered a defect. At the same time, the so-called subjective unpalatability/ inedibility of the goods cannot be regarded as a defect of the goods delivered, provided that they show the standard signs of edibility that the goods should have in the case of their proper use and consumption.

If the client exercises the right of liability for defects in the delivered goods in a proper manner, the supplier is obliged to decide on the claim within three working days.

The claim shall be deemed to have been duly asserted if the claimed goods are delivered complete and at the same time if the purchase of the claimed goods from the Supplier is proven.

The claim, including the removal of the defect, implies the replacement of the claimed goods, which will be delivered to the client within a replacement period.

IV. Place and manner of application of the claim

The Client must make a claim in writing at the Supplier’s premises. In the written notification, the client must sufficiently describe the relevant facts on the basis of which he claims the goods. At the same time, the client must sufficiently demonstrate the existence of circumstances entitling him to make a justified claim for the goods delivered.

The supplier must confirm in writing to the client when the right of liability for defects has been exercised, the manner in which the claim has been resolved and the duration of the claim.

V. Time limits for making a claim

The right of liability for defects in the goods must be exercised within the warranty period. The claim must be made without undue delay, as soon as the defect has occurred. Any delay in the continued use of the goods may be grounds for rejection of the claim. The warranty period of the goods is 24 hours and starts from the date of receipt of the goods by the client.

VI. Further specification of the term goods and defects in goods

Goods are any food intended for immediate consumption in accordance with the terms of the Meals from Vejmrda. In particular, a defect in the goods shall be deemed to be a condition which contravenes generally binding consumer protection and hygiene regulations and hygiene standards. In addition, a defect in the goods shall be deemed to be an insufficient, but guaranteed, weight (grammage).

VII. Final Provisions

The Complaints Procedure has been drawn up in accordance with Act No. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code, as amended by Act No. 643/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended, as well as other generally binding primary regulations.The Supplier is entitled to amend or supplement this Complaints Procedure at any time at its discretion, but in accordance with generally binding legal regulations. However, the rights and obligations of the Supplier and the Client shall be governed by the wording of the Complaints Procedure in force at the time the Client duly claims the goods.